Thursday, March 21, 2019

21st Century Technology

Virtual reality (VR) has existed for many years, with the purpose of creating some sort of illusion, placing someone or something in a different setting, virtually. It is said that the first form of VR can be traced back to 360 degree murals, creating a landscape or setting all around a person.

The first form of technology that VR can be traced back to is flight simulators. While the quality of the images does not compare to what we have developed today, the images allowed potential pilots to experience "flying" without being in the air.

It was not until 1987 that the term "virtual reality" was launched, when the first pieces of headgear that we see versions of today were introduced to the market. However, they were large, wired, clunky and not nearly as accurate as the technology that many kids receive for Christmas in today's society.

Headsets continued to flourish in the markets, created by high tech companies including Google and Nintendo for video game or otherwise recreational purposes. Today, it is used by both individuals and large corporations for entertainment, product marketing, sports and medical training, education, and even military operations.

The possibilities seem endless as wireless and animation technologies continue to improve, making it possible for images to become even more realistic, and on bigger scales. VR as well as Augmented Reality (AR) are working together to improve user experiences, letting users see all that the world has to offer from their own homes.

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